Positivity in Action
- Shift your focus -
Find out more about how to introduce positivity in your everyday living

In this workshop, we will introduce Positive Psychology and the science-based principles and practices for a happy, and meaningful life.
According to Positive Psychology, a positive mindset can help us:
live a happier & healthier life
bounce back from adversities in life
make meaningful connections with others
become better versions of ourselves.
We will focus on Positivity and talk about the methods we can use in order to introduce it in our lives.
The scientific approach to Positivity will be followed by a mindful yoga flow session. We will experience a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts and feelings, as well as explore parts of our body, release tension, and feel more inner space. We will practice with mindful breathing and experience how it leads to a feeling of happiness and joyful relaxation.
And finally, through an applied introduction to Kon Mari Method™, we will find out about how our positive mindset can be enhanced by keeping in our living space only the things that spark joy!